Thyme To Start Saving
Ultimate Dinner Planner
This has been on my mind to blog about for a while now! Not just for your eyes, but for mine too. In this entry, we’re both going to learn how to not only plan meals, but how to shop for them, and how to shop the SALES with them. To the moms who have mastered the ability to shop with 3 children for an entire two weeks’ worth of meals and get out within an hour…I commend you! For the rest of us, we need a little guidance.
Shopping the Sales
First things first, go collect your weekly/monthly adds from your grocery store! Start with your meats. We’re going to plan two weeks’ worth of meals, around the meats that are on sale! (If you are a vegetarian, then I would recommend planning your meals around your “main dish”!) My favorite part about shopping at Publix, aside from the bogo’s, is when you go to their website (Navigate to > Save Here > Weekly Ad) you can pull up a specific department! For instance, we want to look for the ads targeting meat! When you want to save something, just hit the “Add To List” button, and add to your hearts content! LOVE IT!
Calendar Printable
Once you have your meats prepared, you’re going to want to get yourself a calendar! I love this idea so much. It reminds me of elementary days, when the lunchroom would post what we were having for a WHOLE month’s worth of meals. I guess this would come in handy if your kid has food allergies, you could send him to school with his lunch packed to avoid any trouble! Anyway, really think about what many ways you can cook/bake/grill/stuff the meat on sale! Then, try to get a little adventurous. Maybe you have some recipes on Pinterest you’ve been wanting to try. Don’t overload yourself; maybe try something new once or twice a week. Whatever your main course is, go ahead and list it on your calendar!
Please feel free to download this FREE printable meal calendar I made specifically for planning dinner for a week straight! (Just click "free" and it will take you to a full size photo. Save the jpg to your computer, and print as many as your heart desires!) Grab your glitter gel pens, and get to writing!
You can make your meals as healthy, unhealthy, expensive, or inexpensive as need be. Every family is different, every budget is different, and this is what works for us! The next thing we want to do, is create our side items!
Creating Side Dishes
Our next step, is checking out the BOGO’s! I look all over the place, but realistically, we will do all of our shopping at Publix because who wants to tote around a fussy 2 year old to 4 different stores in the Florida heat (and RAIN, ugh!) to save $10? Not this momma! I am making it a priority to provide a vegetable at every meal. Especially since my daughter, Lydia, LOVES and NEEDS her veggies! So keep in mind what side items will structurally make sense to your whole family’s bellies! Go ahead and list your sides according to your main dishes which should already be written on your calendar. Things are coming together! Don’t you feel like you’re preparing for battle?!
Prepping Meals
Say this with me, prepping meals is my friend. Prepping meals is going to save me time. Prepping meals turns dinner from a 2 hour preparation, into a 30 minute preparation! IT IS WORTH IT, LADIES! Chop those potatoes, boil them, and keep them in the fridge for 2 days if you need to. When Wednesday comes around, you will be thanking yourself! Pick a day to do your prep work, I like to make it the day I go shopping, but again, every family is different! Do what works for you, and what you can commit yourself to and stick with it! Take your handy dandy calendar, and highlight all the items that you need prep work for. If you feel it’s too much, try to do something simpler to save time. Ultimately, you know how much time you have to spend. Do not over commit!
Here goes another time saver, are you ready for this? I consider myself an average IQ level of smartness. GET TO KNOW YOUR GROCERY STORE. Why, you ask? When writing out your gigantic (money saving) grocery list, you are going to want to list those items by where they are in the actual grocery store. My goal is to start from the right side of the store, and work my way to the left. I spend less money this way and it keeps me from roaming the aisles for unneeded items! It sounds too good to be true. . .less time, less money, and less whining from my husband and little angel. LOL
So I hope that you feel prepared, and I hope that this blog entry becomes more than just another thing you saw on the internet. We all should strive for organization, and I have a feeling this is the start of something beautiful for BOTH you and I!
I send you all my love, and buttercream icing. <3
So I hope that you feel prepared, and I hope that this blog entry becomes more than just another thing you saw on the internet. We all should strive for organization, and I have a feeling this is the start of something beautiful for BOTH you and I!
I send you all my love, and buttercream icing. <3
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